Project Dream-e Part 6: Battery Enclosure

Submitted by Danny on Wed, 09/14/2022 - 21:01

Building the battery enclosure from scratch. It will be an airtight metal container for the battery pack.

EV Motorcycle battery enclosure construction

There's two half and they will bolt together down the middle. There is an overlap which will help it stay water tight.

EV Motorcycle battery enclosure fabrication

EV Motorcycle battery enclosure build

I used 18ga sheet steel, so I wanted to beef it up a little before I welded on the brackets for bolting it to the bike frame. I'm using 16ga steel here.


Honda CA160 EV Conversion Project

I painted it with the same paint as the bike frame, black 2-part urethane single-stage paint from Eastwood. I then wet sanded and buffed. I may add something to the enclosure's sides, such as laser cut aluminum, or decals, some silver paint, or something. But I'm not sure yet, I'm just letting the black paint do its job.

I used these "dinse" style connectors, like what you see on a TIG welding machine, to act as bulkheads for the enclosure. I haven't seen another builder use these before, but it should work pretty well. And I used this socket for the charge port. 

Here is a closeup of the connector. I slipped terminal covers over the connectors' metal bolts for added protection on the inside of the enclosure.

And here it is all bolted to the frame and looking great!

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