How to build a woodworking workbench and tablesaw outfeed table

Submitted by Danny on Thu, 06/29/2017 - 10:58

This is how I built my woodworking bench that also doubles as an outfeed table for a little Ryobi tablesaw.

Before I could start I had to gather the lumber. I used stain-grade 3/4" plywood up top and cheaper 1/2" plywood down below, and 2x4s for everything else

building a woodworking workbench and outfeed table for tablesaw

First I started on the legs. My design was to create 4x4 posts out of the 2x4s but with notches built into the legs by simply cutting the 2x4s like so...

building a woodworking workbench and outfeed table for tablesaw

building a woodworking workbench and outfeed table for tablesaw

The notches in the legs allowed me to easily joint the horizontal 2x4s to them. (If I did it over I would have cut the longer 2x4s a little shorter and the shorter ones a little longer and screwed them together that way. Make sense?)

building a woodworking workbench and outfeed table for tablesaw building a woodworking workbench and outfeed table for tablesaw

Same Idea up top. 

building a woodworking workbench and outfeed table for tablesaw building a woodworking workbench and outfeed table for tablesaw building a woodworking workbench and outfeed table for tablesaw

I wanted to stain it and I decided to make it a two-tone by not staining some of the 2x4s..

building a woodworking workbench and outfeed table for tablesaw

Then everything got three coats of poly

building a woodworking workbench and outfeed table for tablesaw

Next I started working on the tablesaw support. The idea was to brackets would hold and suspend the tablesaw at the perfect height for the workbench to also be an outfeed table

building a woodworking workbench and outfeed table for tablesaw building a woodworking workbench and outfeed table for tablesaw

I had to use some shims to get everything perfectly level

building a woodworking workbench and outfeed table for tablesaw

Now that's a workbench to be proud of!

building a woodworking workbench and outfeed table for tablesaw

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