How to remove the clutch from a Honda ATC90

Submitted by Danny on Fri, 03/25/2016 - 20:39

This is how I was able to remove the clutch from my 1973 Honda ATC90. I believe that this method should also work for ATC110s, CT90s and CT110s. 

Special tools needed:

  • 24mm clutch removal tool - a must have for working on all hold handa cycles
  • clutch holder - you can buy this or do what I did and make your own
  • You will also want an impact driver for getting the engine cover bolts off without stripping them. A must have!

First, I removed the right engine cover and remove the clutch adjustment hardware 

removing a clutch from a honda atc90

Next, I removed the bearing and clutch cover, exposing the special bolt inside the clutch. This is the centrafugel oil filter system and will likely be full of gunk that will need to be cleaned out. And before you can remove the bolt, the lock washer inside needs to have the tab pulled out of the nut with a small screwdriver.

dirty clutch on honda atc90

I used the special tools to remove the clutch. I made a clutch holder tool out of a piece of steel. I could have also made the clutch bolt removal tool out of a large socket but I decided to buy a cheap one from amazon. I also tried wedging a penny in the gears so that I wouldn't need a tool to hold the clutch, but it would have required the engine to be upside down for it to work. So that could be an option if you have the engine off the bike. 

clutch holder removal tool honda atc90

Now that it's off, you can access the flywheel, shifter spindle, oil pump, etc. 

clutch removed from honda atc90 removed clutch from honda atc90 removed clutch from honda atc90

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