I think I made a website

Submitted by Danny on Tue, 12/30/2014 - 15:40

Feast your eyes on the new website for Kansas Public Radio! Created by yours truly and built with with Drupal 7. 


By the numbers:

  • 8 months of development
  • 57 modules
  • 2 custom modules
  • 14 content types
  • 7 user roles (just imagine how big the permissions matrix is)
  • 1 part time employee! 

And it's not finished. It'll never be finished, always under construction.

Wait. Stop. Allow this author the rare opportunity to indulge in the sort of literary trickery that challenges the sovereign authority of poetic license, even if it may be overreactive to the instance, let us reach into the ASCII jewel box and withdraw two sets of exquisite superscript signs— ❝ for the left and ❞ for the right—and hang them from the lobes on either side of the words under construction. Like so: “under construction.”

This, of course, is not for purposes of ornamentation, although these apostrophic clusters possess an understated, overlooked beauty that transcends the merely chic. No, these scare quotes so adorn the stern words of under construction to emphasis the absurd use of it in this context. The phrase "under construction" (there they are again) may be one of the most overused phrases in web design (although some may argue that, with the state that this website is in currently, it's used immaculately in this case)—yet has no real meaning. You see, this website will always be under construction, will always have new features being added to it, the appearance will always be changing, and the content always being updated. Saying that it is now, or at any one point, under construction is most deserving of apostrophic disclaimer.

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