DIY power supply for guitar effect pedals

Submitted by Danny on Tue, 01/20/2015 - 23:34

You know those power supplies that can power like 10 effect pedals, but they cost like $150? They're nice, but who has money for that?! I needed one for my DIY pedal board so I thought I'd DIY the power supply too. 

Homemade Stomp Box Power Supply

I found a schematic for a regulated 12V power supply, bought all the parts from RadioShack (you'll need a power transformer, voltage regulator, diode rectifier and a few capacitors and resistors), and put it together on a generic circuit board. On the back of the circuit board, I carefully constructed the circuit with wire jumpers. I've lost the schematic, but they're easy to find online. I bought the enclosure from a company that powder coated them too, so that saved a lot of time and money. Check out the photos!

DIY power supply circuit board for guitar effect pedals and stomp boxes DIY power supply circuit board for guitar effect pedals and stomp boxes DIY power supply circuit board for guitar effect pedals and stomp boxes power supply DIY enclosure for guitar effect pedals and stomp boxes power supply DIY enclosure for guitar effect pedals and stomp boxes power supply DIY for guitar effect pedals and stomp boxes

Except for the simulated dying battery circuit, this is the schematic I used:

power supply DIY schematic  for guitar effect pedals and stomp boxes

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